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Showing posts from April, 2013

Keep Me

Keep me. Nestle my core into the plush of your hand Wrist locked steady Careful now Careful now Don't cradle me bird's nest suspended Keep me. Canopy me with fleshy fingers Keep me. Thread yourself through all the letters of all my names especially those you whisper over me when I sleep (you  do  watch me when i sleep, don't you?!) Loop my alphabet around your neck Careful now Careful now Don't flaunt me bauble shiny Keep me. Drape my charms closer to your chest than the world Keep me. Tuck my affections in the pocket of your jeans Slip me deep in cotton corners weightless and constant Careful now Careful now Don't stroke absently at smooth surfaces Carry about my devotion As needed, reach in to trace firm contours Keep me. talisman true Keep me Keep me with you.

The Ivory Bangle Lady

Dig my hole deep Intern legacy with my bones Coat my rich skin with thick oils olive, rosehip, pomegranate, shea Even in death Even in death Dig my hole deep Rest the most brilliant baubles against the contours of my waist blue glass, beads, cologne, ivory Send me with greetings for God Send me with greetings for God Dig my hole deep Entomb my artifacts of glowing and global truth my inimitable and glorious people power, wealth, intellect, melanin History will not bury me History will not bury me The Ivory Bangle Lady "This skull is particularly interesting, because the stone sarcophagus she was buried in, and the richness of the grave goods, means she was a very wealthy woman, absolutely from the top end of York society. H er case contradicts assumptions that immigrants are low status and male, and that African individuals are likely to have been slaves." ~Dr. Hella Eckhard, Archeology Dept., University of Reading (UK) http://www.react-hub....