Keep me. Nestle my core into the plush of your hand Wrist locked steady Careful now Careful now Don't cradle me bird's nest suspended Keep me. Canopy me with fleshy fingers Keep me. Thread yourself through all the letters of all my names especially those you whisper over me when I sleep (you do watch me when i sleep, don't you?!) Loop my alphabet around your neck Careful now Careful now Don't flaunt me bauble shiny Keep me. Drape my charms closer to your chest than the world Keep me. Tuck my affections in the pocket of your jeans Slip me deep in cotton corners weightless and constant Careful now Careful now Don't stroke absently at smooth surfaces Carry about my devotion As needed, reach in to trace firm contours Keep me. talisman true Keep me Keep me with you.
Dasha Kelly Hamilton's ramblings, writing and random, wild imaginings.